Teenager Dies Of Stomach Cancer After Eating Instant Noodles Every Day

Instant noodles are cheap, quick, and easy to make, but what you don’t know is that they are also potentially harmful to your digestive health.

Taiwan has been shaken by news of an exemplary, hardworking university student who died recently from stomach cancer.

The 18-year-old scholar had been an inspiration to others, often burning the midnight oil to pore over his course work.

He had developed the habit of working into the night since he was in secondary school, where he performed superlatively.

Unfortunately, the young man also developed the habit of consuming instant noodles, night after night.

According to Taiwan’s SeeHua News, by the time he entered university, the teen had been eating instant noodles every day for a period of years.

The youth’s hard work got him into the university of his choice but he soon began to feel chronically unwell and was laid low by symptoms such as nausea, bloating and stomach ache.

As his symptoms worsened, his family took him to a hospital for a check-up.

The diagnosis was absolutely gutting because he had stage four stomach cancer, and his chances of pulling through were extremely slim.

After a year of battling the disease, the boy with a bright academic future succumbed to the disease.

In the wake of the widely-reported tragedy, an oncologist at the hospital where the teen was treated, Dr. Yan Jiarui, urged Taiwanese to reduce their intake of instant noodles, as well as pickled food and red meat, all of which have been linked to cancer.


According to Lifehack, the main preservative in instant noodles is Terriary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ).

TBHQ is an additive commonly used in cheap processed foods, such as microwave popcorn, wheat thins, and poptarts.

The FDA says that TBHQ must not exceed 0.02 percent of its oil and fat content.

Small amounts of TBHQ may not kill you or make you feel sick right away, but could potentially have a long term effect on your health such as weakening of organs, and the onset of cancers and tumors.

But what if you love just noodles? Then, make your own at home.

The key to staying healthy isn’t always eating salads all the time — it can also be as simple as cooking with fresh ingredients like chicken and vegetables.

If it sounds like too much hassle, then go ahead and continue to eat instant noodles, but balance it out with other more nutritious foods like lean meats and fresh veggies.

That way you don’t have to feel bad about the occasional bowl of instant noodles because you’re not eating garbage all the time.

READ: Swedish Scientist Discovers Breast Milk Kills Cancer Cells

Source: Today

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